Seven Tips to help sell your house

Tips to help sell your house


Whatever time of the year you choose to put your house on the market, you will always face some competition. The following simple tips to help sell your house will help make your property more attractive for buyers to select your house above all the others they have seen to be their new home.

Put a Smile on the Face of Your House

Remember that the first thing a prospective buyer will see is the front of your house.

If your front door and window frames are wooden, give them a fresh coat of paint. If they are made from synthetic materials, give them a good clean.

Make sure the windows are clean and any curtains are also clean and fresh. Your house needs to be giving your buyers a welcoming smile.

You want to make them feel they must see what is waiting for them behind this welcoming façade.

Make Sure Your Garden Cuts It

If you have a front garden, ensure the lawn is neat and cut. If you have flower beds make sure they are weed free and neat. Check that the path is and clean free of obstacles.

Your back garden should also be well manicured and tidy. If you have a patio, make sure it is weed free. Make it a garden that your buyers will feel is a place they would like to sit and relax in.

Clear the Shelves

Everybody collects little objects over the years that are precious and personal to them. However, these will just be distractions to your potential buyer. Keep your window sills and shelves clear of unnecessary paraphernalia. Leave one or two things around to make your house lived in, but not too many that make it look like a gift shop.

Paint it Bright

Decorating your house is a good way to make your property more attractive for buyers to decide that your house is the one for them.

If you decide to decorate, make sure you select bright neutral colours that will make your rooms large and spacious.

Make Space

Remove any large items of furniture that are taking up valuable space that will make a room look small.

Where possible make sure as much natural light is allowed into your rooms. If some rooms are unable to receive much natural light, it would be worth investing in some light fittings to brighten up a room.

Make Sure You have covered the Floor

Carpets and other floor coverings should also be in good condition. If necessary carpets should be cleaned before you put your house on the market. If they are thread bare and beyond cleaning, it may be worth replacing them with some cheap carpeting. The same goes with lino or wood floors. It may call for some financial outlay, but it could make the difference between getting a good price for your house, or no price at all.

Attention to Detail

Your attention must be given to all the little repair jobs that you have been meaning to fix, but just have not had the time to get round to, a broken tile in the bathroom, a loose door handle or a cracked mirror. Things you have lived with for some time and no longer notice will stand out like a sore thumb to someone inspecting your home. Finally, make sure your home is spotlessly clean.

Spend as much energy as you can clean all the nooks and crannies that have been gathering dust over the years.

The above are just some of the things you can do to make your property more attractive for buyers and beat the competition.

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