Start Planning Now for a Plastic-less Christmas

Start Planning Now for a Plastic-less Christmas

In this two-minute read, we explore ways we can all reduce the amount of plastic we use this festive period. And we’ve got a cracker of an idea for you to swap bad jokes for something to treasure.

If it’s too early for some people to mention the C-word, it’s the perfect time to discuss the P-word – Plastic.

Plastic is something that is at the top of any sustainable Santa’s naughty list.

There’s no getting away from the fact that we will all use plastic at some point in the run-up to and during the festive period. That’s just modern life. But there’s also no getting away from the need to reduce the amount we use.

Research shows that our plastic consumption soars at Christmas – with a lot of it destined for landfill sites and not recycling centres.

We can all do our bit to tackle this. Here are five simple and super ways to ditch the festive plastic and help the Planet feel a little more fantastic.

  • Swap your plastic Christmas tree for a real one. Ideally, one you can re-plant in a garden after use.


  • Give the gift of an experience rather than an over packaged toy or shower set! Event tickets, cinema and museum passes make memorable presents.


  • Shop locally. We’re big on this at Fells New Forest Property. And encourage people to use local shops and businesses in and around Ringwood.


  • A lot of Christmas cards, wrapping paper, ribbons and bows etc. are not recyclable. But if you shop around, there are plenty of alternatives that can be recycled.


  • Here’s a cracker of an idea, which the kids will love. Christmas crackers are plastic enemy number one when it comes to waste. Why not ditch the bad jokes and pointless trinkets (really, who needs a comb the size of a thumb?) for something much more memorable.


Here’s our idea which can be done on Christmas morning pre-lunch: Step one: Don’t throw all the wrapping paper away just yet. Step two. Cut a section of the wrapping paper into smallish squares. Step three: Get all the family to write a message to each other on the squares and fold them up. Step four: Rather than pulling crackers pass over the envelopes at the dinner table. You can even add your own bad jokes!


Keep following us in the run-up to December 25th because in the last couple of weeks before Christmas we’ll be sharing a gift younger members of our community will love. And it doesn’t involve any plastic!

Remember folks sharing is caring, so if you found this article interesting please share it on social media and tag a friend or forward it to them.

Thanks for reading.

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