10 Ideas to make the most of your spare time during lockdown.

10 Ideas to make the most of your spare time during lockdown

How to make your spare time work for you during lockdown—a 2-minute read.

One of the positives people seem to be drawing from life under lockdown is the realisation that most of us have had more of our most valuable asset made available.

Time. Spare time.

But time is like any resource we have. We can use it wisely or unwisely.

Below are ten ideas you can try to make the most of the time we have right now.


  • Organise your wardrobe once and for all. How many odd socks can one person own?
  • Add some new life to old furniture by giving it a lick of paint.
  • Clear out the food cupboard. It’s surprising how much out of date stuff we have lurking at the back of them.
  • Read more. Since lockdown, there’s been a boom of virtual book clubs. Which we think is a double whammy of keeping the brain ticking over and being social at the same time.
  • Treat yourself to a ‘night out’ indoors. Make your favourite pizza, watch one of the many online concerts now freely available from top musicians and then relax with a good movie.
  • Relive your youth by listening to classic albums, old TV shows, and using social media to catch up with friends from your younger days.
  • Of course, we understand if you have young children or are working from home, these ideas might prove a lot trickier to do. But it’s essential to take some time, even if it’s just 30 minutes a day, just for yourself. You deserve it.


And from a purely property point of view here are three more ideas you might want to consider to stop you clock watching.


  • If you are thinking of selling after the lockdown ends make a list of those jobs that need doing before putting your home on the market, feel free to get in touch with us if you need advice on what puts buyers off.


  • Wondering what mortgage or remortgage options you have available? It’s an excellent time to have a chat with a mortgage broker to see what’s out there now, and in the coming months.


  • And finally, we’ve plenty of time on our hands here at Fells New Forest Property so if you’re curious about the value of your home and the best way to market it post-coronavirus we’d be happy to have a chat. We can conduct online valuations, meaning social distancing rules are always respected.


So, here’s to staying home, protecting the NHS, saving lives and making the most of our precious time.

From all of us at Fells New Forest Property.

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