It's Easter – But not as we know it

It’s Easter – But not as we know it

In this 2-minute read, we discover some of the different ways Easter is celebrated across the World.

For most of us, this Easter weekend has been very different.

But it’s comforting to see people and families in Ringwood taking on board the Government’s advice and yet still maintaining some Easter Holiday traditions.

Egg hunts taking place from the safety and comfort of our gardens, church services broadcast online and families staying in touch via technology.

This year’s different kind of Easter got us thinking about how it’s celebrated across the World.

So, we leapt on the internet to discover these Easter experiences with a difference.

Spain: Known in Spain as Semana Santa, or Holy Week, Easter is observed for seven days on the Iberian Peninsula. Huge parades happen and treats such as torrija (like French toast), pestiños and cakes are popular.

Eastern Europe: In parts of the Czech Republic and Slovakia there’s an Easter Monday morning ritual of men gently whipping women. Apparently, it’s so the women keep their health, beauty and fertility for the next year.

However, the women get revenge by pouring buckets of freezing cold water over the men’s heads.

The Philippines: Devout Catholics in the Philippines volunteer to be “crucified” on Good Friday, a practice the church condemns which started in the 1950s. This period also sees people beat themselves using bamboo sticks tied to a rope, to re-enact Jesus’ sacrifice and pain. Ouch.

Bermuda: Easter is much more chilled out affair and a whole lot warmer than it is for us in Ringwood, although our recent weather has been great, hasn’t it? In Bermuda people of all ages like to celebrate Good Friday by flying kites on the island’s many beaches.

The kites represent Christ’s resurrection, and come in all shapes, colours and sizes. Bermudians also enjoy eating fish cakes and hot cross buns to celebrate Easter.

All the above places are experiencing lockdowns, so just like us, they’re probably already looking forward to next Easter when life will be back to normal, and when we can be with our loved ones again and maintain our traditions.

From all at Fells New Forest Property we hope you’ve had a relaxing and safe Easter.

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