March 2020

Beware of the rise of Coronavirus scams in Ringwood

Beware of the rise of Coronavirus scams in Ringwood

In this two-minute read, we discover the despicable scams which have developed around the Coronavirus outbreak. And how we can take action to protect ourselves, our families and our communities. The Coronavirus (Covid-19) has created a surge of people feeling anxious and fearful across Ringwood. And low-life scammers are preying on these emotions to trick people out of hundreds of thousands of...

Make your money go further with these expert tips

Make your money go further with these expert tips

A 2-minute read. In this article, we share six tips from Mr Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis on how you can make the most of your financial resources during this period of uncertainty. With all that’s happened during the past three weeks, you would be easily forgiven for losing sight of your personal and family finances. But it’s one area of life where you can exercise some control. Finance...

A Feelgood Friday Update for People in Ringwood

A Feelgood Friday Update for People in Ringwood

In this 2-minute update we share a quick round-up of some of the good news which is happening during these tough times. Welcome to what will be a regular Feelgood Friday update from us at Fells New Forest Property. For every episode of selfish panic buying in Ringwood, there are a dozen more examples of selfless behaviour, random acts of kindness and generous community spirit. We’re in the...

Discover the fine art of having a tidy-up – Japanese Style

Discover the fine art of having a tidy-up – Japanese Style

In this two and a bit minute read, we look at four fantastic ways you can use the ‘lockdown’ to take on those decluttering chores, you never get a chance to do. You know those jobs you always said you’d sort out when you got time? Well with the Government’s instructions to Stay at Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives, that excuse might be wearing a little thin in a few weeks. Many of us...

Five ways to keep yourself calm during these anxious times

Five ways to keep yourself calm during these anxious times

In this two-minute read, we discover five ways to keep calm during these uncertain times. Well it’s fair to say that none of us have ever lived through such uncertain times. The Coronavirus outbreak has caused global uncertainty, panic and anxiety. It would be disingenuous of us if we said that as a local business impacted by this, we weren’t worried. We all are. It’s a natural response to...

Homeschooling ideas and free resources for families in Ringwood

Homeschooling ideas and free resources for families in Ringwood

In this 90 second read we share a useful list of free internet resources which might prove VERY useful as parents and carers in Ringwood start homeschooling. Out of all this uncertainty and anxiety has come plenty of positives. The news yesterday that schools in the U.K. were to shut for the foreseeable future was met with a wave of companies and organisations offering up learning resources for...

What you can do in Ringwood to help your neighbours and the World

What you can do in Ringwood to help your neighbours and the World

In this Two-Minute read we’ll take a break from looking at the news to celebrate something a lot more positive - World Recycling Day. We’re living in uncertain times, but one thing was clear before the outbreak of the Coronavirus, and that was the urgent need to use less of the World’s finite resources. And perhaps more than ever we are becoming conscious of the amount of things we consume or...

Working from home in Ringwood – A How-to do it successfully guide

Working from home in Ringwood – A How-to do it successfully guide

In this two-minute read, we look at how technology and the Coronavirus are changing the way people work across Ringwood. Way before the Coronavirus outbreak seized the headlines, there was already a significant movement of people working from home. At Fells New Forest Property we’ve increasingly seen over the past few years home buyers wanting spaces within their dream properties that they can work...

What the Budget Means to You in Ringwood

What the Budget Means to You in Ringwood

A two-minute read. We take a quick look at what today’s budget announcements could mean for people in Ringwood. The new Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced his budget earlier. From a property perspective, a lot of his thunder was stolen by the big news which broke around five hours earlier. An announcement from the Bank of England (BoE) introduced an emergency cut in interest rates to bolster the...

Discover the history of places we call home in Ringwood

Discover the history of places we call home in Ringwood

In this 3-minute read, we discover a little history behind the places we call homes. Two years ago, this week, one of the world’s brightest minds passed away on 14 March 2018. Professor Stephen Hawking was a genius and his best-selling book A Brief History of Time introduced readers to scientific theories that he, thankfully for most of us, simplified. At Fells New Forest Property we can’t...

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