May 2020

Thinking of selling after lockdown? Help us, help you

Thinking of selling after lockdown? Help us, help you

In this three-minute read, we share four simple ways you can get your property ready for sale if you are thinking of moving when lockdown ends. And we share four things we're doing to continue serving our clients and to keep everyone as safe as possible. As some sections of our society are slowly being 'unlocked' following Boris Johnson's address yesterday evening, there is some light beginning to be...

A Feelgood Friday special in Ringwood & the New Forest – VE Day Style

A Feelgood Friday special in Ringwood & the New Forest – VE Day Style

It's the seventh Feelgood Friday since lockdown, and it's a very special one as we mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day. A 3-minute read. We've renamed this week's Feelgood Friday to Thankful Friday as we celebrate the service, sacrifice and strength of the heroes who made VE Day possible 75 years ago. And what better way to honour them and say thanks to them, than by having a safe, fun-filled...

How to (virtually) make the most of life under lockdown in Ringwood

How to (virtually) make the most of life under lockdown in Ringwood

Life under lockdown and respecting social distancing guidelines needn’t mean you have no social life as this 2-minute read explains. Across Ringwood people are getting creative and using technology in several ways to come together during a time when for the good of us all, we’re keeping apart. Human beings are naturally social animals (some less than others you might say) so being able to keep a...

How technology could change homes in Ringwood after the lockdown

How technology could change homes in Ringwood after the lockdown

In this two-minute read, we look at the ways technology could shape our homes after the lockdown and beyond. Before the Coronavirus outbreak, there was a debate around whether technology was good or bad for society. But thanks to online home-schooling helping our children, video conferencing allowing us to communicate with colleagues and Facetiming meaning we can stay in virtual touch with relatives...

It's Feelgood Friday Again

It’s Feelgood Friday Again

In this two-minute round-up, we share some of the good news and positive things happening during life under lockdown across Ringwood, the New Forest, the UK and further afield. Welcome to the sixth Feelgood Friday update from us at Fells New Forest Property. Yesterday Boris Johnson and his team of medical experts shared positive statistics from the nation's fight against this awful disease. Added...

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