What changes will you make when lockdown ends?

What changes will you make when lockdown ends?

In this two-minute read, we look at some of the changes people are making in Ringwood and the New Forest during life under lockdown, and how that will shape our community’s future.

Ringwood and the New Forest has been under lockdown since the Government’s announcement on March 23 of the steps needed to combat COVID-19.

A lot has happened since then. One of the big things this whole experience has done it seems, is to give people a chance to reassess how they are living their lives.

And that looks set to remain the case as lockdown is extended a further three weeks.

A Sky News report on Friday (April 17) featured a survey which suggested just 9% of people want life to return to exactly how was it before the outbreak.

The survey by commissioned by the Royal Society of Arts, alongside The Food Foundation, found more than half (54%) of 4,343 people who took part in the YouGov poll hope to make changes in their lives, and for the UK as a whole to learn from the crisis.

The survey also reported the following:

42% said they value food and other essentials more since the pandemic.

38% are cooking from scratch more.

61% of people are spending less money.

51% noticed cleaner air outdoors.

27% think there is more wildlife.

39% say they are catching up with friends and family more.

Property Changes

From a property perspective, we are expecting the market in Ringwood and the New Forest to bounce back to life like never before.

The reasons for this are people are spending much, much more time in their homes, and the crisis has made them realise things like; it’s too small, too big, they don’t like their neighbours or they want to move to be near family and close friends.

It may well be they want to cash in on their equity and live a little more.

Some property pundits have predicted a baby boom as idle hands, well, let’s not go there. And a rise in divorce cases could also be sadly on the horizon.

Whatever happens at Fells New Forest Property we will be ready for it.

A report last week said that estate agency would be one of the first industry sectors to re-open along with coffee shops and restaurants.

So, if you are thinking of making changes to where you live, please feel free to contact us now.

From a purely personal aspect, this whole crazy episode has made us realise the importance of our community’s spirit and the key workers who hold the economy and ‘normal’ life together.

We will also value health, freedom, and things we took for granted a lot, lot more.

What about you? What changes will you make to your life when the lockdown ends?

We’d love to hear your lockdown stories and what you’ll be changing in the future.

Thanks for reading – Stay Safe, Protect the NHS, Save Lives and keep loving Ringwood and the New Forest.

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